Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premier in Aurora, Colorado

I only got home a half hour ago, and I was very excited to come on here and talk about this movie, as it was amazing.  However, upon getting home, my remote hasn’t moved, as I’ve been watching MSNBC which is reporting on a real life horror story involving a shooting and possible bombing at the Dark Knight Rises premier in Aurora, Colorado.  Reports are conflicting.  Some are saying there were multiple explosions and others saw smoke.  At least ten people are dead and tens of other are wounded.

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Absence Makes the Nerd Grow Nerdier

I certainly have to say my time away from this blog has been horrid.  I just haven’t had the time, unfortunately.  I’m working on so many projects right now, plus working a full-time job working with special needs adults, all the while maintaining friendships and my relationship with my fiancee.  That doesn’t make for easy time management.  I will say this, though: the Nerdmonkey is about to become frequent again, and I couldn’t be happier about it.  For the time being, let me know what you think of the new background.  I think it’s much simpler and less distracting, though it was just as time consuming.

Where Did the Monkey Go?

Sorry for neglecting the Nerd Monkey as of late.  I’ve been buried quite deeply in work as a result of a new job, as well as a few new projects, including another book.  Things have been crazy, hence the site still wishing Wil Wheaton a happy solar orbit.  Anyway, I’ll be back soon, and I’ll also be experimenting with a few new Youtube series, so with luck, I shall be seeing more of you in the near future.

The Gift of the G.A.B.

Thanks to Jill Pantozzi over at The Mary Sue, I was recently pointed in the direction of a new campaign put on by a fantastic, crusading gamer called Gamers Against Bigotry.

Gamers Against Bigotry was started by Sam Killermann, and is a website dedicated to asking gamers to sign a petition promising they will not use inflammatory language against other gamers, even in jest, during online gaming or in online threads.  The site merely asks for your name and location, as well as a confirmation email, to grow the campaign.  Thus far, almost 1,000 gamers, including myself of course, have signed the petition.

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Portal Chess [video]

I’m still suffering from post-con fatigue, so forgive me for being a few days late on this one.  This, however, is brilliant.  Little known fact about me: I was a state champion at chess, so to me, this sounds absolutely brilliant.  Just a simple way to make chess more interesting without having to buy expensive three-tiered boards or trying to fill in the rules Sheldon made up in season three of The Big Bang Theory.  This, my friends, is Portal Chess from Wika57:

Top Ten Female Action Stars [WatchMojo]

On top of CONvergence this past weekend, with the highly long overdue theme of Wonder Women: Women in Science Fiction, I thought it would be fitting to create a list of the top “tough chicks” in media.  Unfortunately, Watch Mojo kind of beat me to it.  So, here it is.  The Top Ten Female Action Stars: